Ready to take your side project to the next level and start making money from your digital products

Grab your matcha latte, and let’s dive into the 3P Marketing Planner Template, your 3-Step tool for a successful marketing lauch.

Why You Need a Marketing Planner Template

Feeling stuck with your marketing efforts? A marketing planner template can bring clarity and focus

Our 3P approach—Persona, Problem, Promotion—guides you step-by-step.

Persona: Know Your Audience

First, you need to know who you’re talking to. Defining your ideal customer, or persona, is key.

Creating a Detailed Buyer Persona

  • Name and Demographics: Give your persona a name and fill in details like age, job, location.
  • Goals and Challenges: What do they want? What are their struggles?
  • Interests and Behaviors: What do they do in their free time? How do they shop?

Knowing your audience helps you tailor your message.

Problem: Understand and Solve the Need

Next, figure out what problems your audience faces. This helps you create a product they need.

Identifying Pain Points

  • List Common Problems: What issues do they face?
  • Your Solution: How does your product help?

Promotion: Spread the Word

Now, it’s time to promote your product.

Choosing Marketing Channels

  • Pick Main Channels: Social media, email, blog.
  • Create a Timeline: Plan when you will post or send emails.

Putting It All Together

Use the 3P Marketing Planner Template to organize your strategy and ensure success.


Recap: Persona, Problem, Promotion. Ready to get started? Download the 3P Marketing Planner Template now!