Ever feel like your marketing plan needs a marketing plan?

Marketing can be overwhelming, especially for digital creators, solopreneurs, and non-marketers. As humans, we often overthink and make things complex. That’s where a simple one-pager marketing plan comes in.

It provides a high-level overview and clarity, helping you focus and take action effectively.

What is a Simple One Pager Marketing Plan?

A simple one-pager marketing plan is exactly what it sounds like: a concise, easy-to-follow document that outlines your marketing strategy on a single page.

It's designed to provide clear direction, cutting through the noise and helping you focus on what really matters.

Why Digital Creators, Solopreneurs, and Non-Marketers Need It

Marketing can feel like a maze, especially if you're doing it all on your own or don't have a marketing background. A simple one-pager marketing plan helps you:

  • Avoid getting lost in complex strategies.
  • Focus on your goals without getting overwhelmed. 
  • Make the most of your limited time and resource
  • The key is to make it simple and execute.

Key Components of a Simple One Pager Marketing Plan

1. Clear Business Goals
- What do you want to achieve? More sales? Brand awareness? Define your goals clearly.

2. Clear Target Audience

- Who are your ideal customers? Be specific about their demographics, interests, and pain points.

3. Clear Unique Selling Proposition (USP):

What makes your business stand out? Highlight what sets you apart from the competition.

4. Be Clear and Pick Your Top 3 Marketing Strategies and Channels:

- How will you reach your audience? Think about the platforms they use and how you can engage them.

- If you’re starting out, focus on one primary channel. Ideally, it’s a channel where you can comfortably be authentic or where your ideal target market is active.

5. Simple Metrics for Success:

- How will you measure success? Set clear, achievable metrics to track your progress.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your Own Simple Plan

Ready to create your own one-pager marketing plan? Follow these steps:

1. Business Overview: Your business name, industry, and ideal target market.

2. About You: Your background and personal connection to the product. This is where you highlight your expertise and your credibility. 

3. Product and UVP: Description of your product/service and what makes it unique.

4. Main Marketing Goal: Focus on one primary goal (e.g., lead generation, sales boost, brand awareness).

5. Key Message: What you want your target market to remember.

6. Marketing Channels: Where you’ll reach your target market (e.g., social media, conferences).

7. Content Strategy: For your marketing channels, what content do you need to create to support your goals?

8. Budget: Total budget and allocation. It's okay to have a zero or low budget.

9. Timeline: Key milestones, how are you going to make it happen?

10. Monitor and Adjust: Regularly review your plan and make adjustments as needed. Stay flexible and be ready to pivot based on what works.

Tools and Resources

Need some help getting started? Here are some recommended tools and resources:

Templates and Examples

  • Use templates to create your one-pager marketing plan quickly and easily.
  • Get your free simple one-pager marketing plan template [here].
  • Here are 5 marketing plan examples for you to use as reference.

Some common and effective marketing strategies

Conclusion: Go simple with the one-pager marketing plan

A simple one-pager marketing plan is your ticket to clear, focused, and effective marketing. It cuts through the complexity and helps you stay on track, making it perfect for solopreneurs and non-marketers.

Ready to get started? Download our free simple one-pager marketing plan template and take the first step towards marketing clarity and direction!