Table of Contents

You've spent countless weekends and late nights perfecting your product. Now it's time to launch, but where do you start?

As a non-marketer, planning a successful product launch can feel overwhelming.

Don't worry - we've got you covered. This guide offers a simple, actionable product launch plan designed for busy entrepreneurs like you.

Let's turn your hard work into a successful launch, even if marketing isn't your forte.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Why You Need a Product Launch Plan

A product launch plan helps you:

  • Focus your efforts
  • Connect with target customers
  • Avoid common mistakes
  • Increase your probability of success
  • Increase your revenue 

We broken the plan into 3 steps: Persona, Problem, and Promotion. 

The 3-Step Product Launch Plan

1. Define Your "Persona"

> Inside the word "Persona" contains 'Person' - So who is your person?

Understanding your persona AKA your target market is a game-changer for your product launch. It's like having a secret games map that shows you exactly where to find your ideal customers and what to say to them

By zeroing in on who's most likely to love your product, you'll save time and money on marketing, and boost your chances of a successful launch. 

Identify your ideal customer by noting their:

  • Age range
  • Occupation
  • Interests
  • Pain points your product solves

2. Understand the "Problem" to Craft Your Messaging

> When you focus on the understanding the problem of the persona, it shows you get them.

Nailing your messaging is like speaking your customer's language – it instantly grabs their attention. When you truly get the problem you're solving, you can showcase your product as the perfect solution

This connection is what turns browsers into buyers and launches into successes.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Develop The Messaging by:

  • Weaving your expertise and product, show how your product is the solution
  • Unique Value Proposition (UVP)
  • 3-5 key marketing messages

Tip: Use language your persona understands and resonates with. 

3. Plan Your Promotion

> Even the best product can flop if no one knows about it.

That's where promotion comes in – it's your megaphone to the world. You don't need a massive budget or fancy tactics, just a smart plan to get the word out.

A little strategic noise can go a long way in turning your launch from a whisper to a buzz.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Choose 2-3 main channels:

  • Social media
  • Email marketing
  • Content marketing
  • Partnerships

5 Promotion Tips To Avoid

Here's a 5-step tip on avoiding the mistake of ineffective promotion.

Let's keep it simple and focusing on a primary channel:

  1. Pick one primary channel where your target audience hangs out most
  2. Master that channel before branching out to others
  3. Create a simple content plan for the weeks leading up to launch
  4. Engage with your audience consistently, don't just broadcast
  5. Ask for help - reach out to friends, family, or colleagues to spread the word

Implement Your Product Launch Plan

Our Product Launch Planner guides you through each step with templates and prompts.

Ready to launch your product?

This 3-Step Marketing Planner includes templates, examples and video tutorials to help you successfully launch. 

Get the Product Launch Planner now and turn your idea into reality!